Category: Problem Prevention

Preparing For A Healthy Trip
I write this blog because I want you to enjoy your travels, and I know it’s really hard to have fun away from home if you’re not feeling well. For several years, I was beset with minor illnesses on the road, and I eventually developed a strategy for preparing for a healthy trip. Here are […]

How To Avoid Getting Sick On a Flight
This post is courtesy of my colleague, Marybeth Bond, National Geographic Author and Founder of the popular website Gutsy Traveler — If you’ve flown with me, you know I’m a germ freak. I wear an air purifier around my neck for ion technology clean air and use a tissue to touch anything in the bathroom. […]

Vitamin D Deficiency
Hawaiian green sea turtles don’t need to use sunscreen, but you do. Since reminding you to practice safe sun, it has been brought to my attention that Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise these days because more of us are using sunscreen and wearing sun protective clothing. I live in Southern California and I’m […]

Sun Safety Tips
Sun Safety Tips: It’s summer and chances are you’re enjoying a few days of vacation at the beach, a golf resort, or a hotel with a great swimming pool. In fact, if you’re anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re probably outside more these days as the weather gets warmer. In any case, skin cancer is […]

Guard Your Goodies When You Travel
Smart travelers pack carefully for their vacations and take everything they need to stay healthy. It’s equally important to safeguard those items while you’re on the road. One precaution is to divide prescription meds and other critical health care supplies and carry them in two different places, such as a handbag and a carry-on suitcase […]

Good News For Allergy Sufferers
Having just learned that some of my weird symptoms are due to allergies, I was glad to read that at least one hotel is providing special rooms for travelers with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory sensitivities. The Hyatt Regency O’Hare is now offering 34 “Respire by Hyatt-Hypo-Allergenic” rooms, which they claim are 98% allergen free. […]

Naomi Campbell’s Travel Secret
What do you have in common with Madonna and Naomi Campbell? Dry skin. In fact, all travelers suffer dehydration when flying – it’s just that most of us aren’t going in front of a high-definition camera shortly after the plane lands. The good news is that you and I can take advantage of the same […]

Mal de Mer and More
For years I have used Sea-Bands to prevent motion sickness – and they really worked. All I did was slip on the stretchy wristbands and make sure the white plastic button on the inside of the bands was positioned to push on the Nei-Kuan acupressure points on the inside of my wrists. Voilà! No more leaning […]

Socially Embarrassing Snoring
I recently started a travel story with a reference to my husband’s snoring. Several readers commented that it was funny (comparing the noise I sleep with every night to that of hippos grumbling in the Zambezi River), but – in truth – snoring isn’t a laughing matter. I know travelers who are afraid to fall […]

Select Wisely for Travelers with Allergies
I’m so glad I found out about Select Wisely cards. Until now ordering in a restaurant has been a real chore because I’m allergic to onions. The wait staff often doesn’t know what’s in a dish – and groan when I ask them to check with the chef. It’s bad enough when this drama is played […]